
Codes for object grasping, manipulation and walking with the iCub.

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A Dynamical System Approach for Adaptive Grasping, Navigation and Co-Manipulation with Humanoid Robots


In this work [1], we present an integrated approach that provides compliant control of an iCub humanoid robot and adaptive reaching, grasping, navigating and co-manipulating. We use state-dependent dynamical systems (DS) to (i) coordinate and drive the robot's hands an object in position and orientation to grasp an object [2], and (ii) drive the robot's base while walking/navigating. The use of DS as motion generators allows us to adapt smoothly as the object moves and to re-plan on-line motion of arms and body to reach the object's new location. The desired trajectory generated by the DS are used in combination with a whole-body compliant control strategy that absorbs perturbations while walking [3] and offers compliant behaviors for grasping and manipulation tasks [4]. The desired dynamics for arm and body can be learned from demonstrations [5]. By integrating these components we achieve unprecedented adaptive behaviors for whole body manipulation. We showcase this in simulations and real-world experiments where iCub robots (i) walk-to-grasp objects, (ii) follow a human (or another iCub) through interaction and (iii) learn to navigate or co-manipulate an object from human guided demonstrations; whilst being robust to changing targets and perturbations.

In more detail, the novelty of this work lies in the integration and extension of three sets of techniques developed previously by the coauthors, namely DS-based coordinated planning of reach to grasp motion [2], whole-body balancing [4] and compliant walking [3]. Finally, we use the adaptive walking approach to collect trajectories and use them to learn desired complex navigation tasks with a state-of-the-art DS-based learning scheme [5]

Video of Approach and Robot Experiments


Following we list all of the code repositories made available for this project, including:


[1] Figueroa, N., Faraji, S., Koptev, M. and Billard, A. (2019) “A Dynamical System Approach for Adaptive Grasping, Navigation and Co-Manipulation with Humanoid Robots”. In proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-2020). Paris, France pdf-link
[2] S. Mirrazavi, N. Figueroa, and A. Billard, “A unified framework for coordinated multi-arm motion planning,” The International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 1205–1232, 2018.
[3] S. Faraji, P. Mullhaupt, and A. Ijspeert, “Imprecise dynamic walking with time-projection control,” arxiv, 2018.
[4] S. Faraji and A. J. Ijspeert, “Singularity-tolerant inverse kinematics for bipedal robots: An efficient use of computational power to reduce energy consumption,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1132–1139, April 2017.
[5] N. Figueroa and A. Billard, “A physically-consistent bayesian non-parametric mixture model for dynamical system learning,” in Proceedings of The 2nd Conference on Robot Learning, ser. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 87. PMLR, 29–31 Oct 2018, pp. 927–946 .


Nadia Figueroa (nadia.figueroafernandez AT epfl dot ch) and/or Salman Faraji (salman.faraji AT epfl dot ch)


This work was supported by the European Community Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation pro- gramme ICT-23-2014, grant agreement 644727-Cogimon and 643950-SecondHands.