Exercise Session 1 - Learning DS from Demonstrations

In this exercise we will use a GUI simulation to test approaches for learning stable non-linear Dynamical Systems (DS) from demonstrations using SEDS [1] and LPV-DS [2,3] approaches developed in LASA-EPFL.

Installation Instructions

See installation instructions in package README, otherwise you can download all missing dependencies recursively as,

git submodule update --init --recursive

Running the GUI

Type gui_learningDS.m in the command line or run the script. This will brings up a GUI (as shown below), including:

  • Learn a SEDS model on self-drawn data with a GUI..
  • Learn an LPV-DS model on self-drawn data with a GUI with different GMM fitting options and DS parameters optimization variants.
  • Option to simulate controlling a robot with the learned DS.

A guided video explaining how to use the GUI, can be found in the following youtube link.

[1] Khansari Zadeh, S. M. and Billard, A. (2011) Learning Stable Non-Linear Dynamical Systems with Gaussian Mixture Models. IEEE Transaction on Robotics, vol. 27, num 5, p. 943-957.
[2] Mirrazavi Salehian, S. S. (2018) Compliant control of Uni/ Multi- robotic arms with dynamical systems. PhD Thesis.
[3] Figueroa, N and Billard, A. “..” [Under Review]

Contact: Nadia Figueroa (nadia.figueroafernandez AT epfl dot ch)